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Kristan Dooley
May 26, 20214 min read
The Steady Presence
Early in the journey the disciples had to learn they could trust Jesus to respond. Though He may be unpredictable in His ways, He was...
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Kristan Dooley
Nov 28, 20206 min read
The Enemy is a Liar
The enemy is a liar. We know that and yet, we are so easily led away by his tempts and taunts. I spent some time this past month studying...
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Kristan Dooley
Jul 1, 20202 min read
Comings and Goings...
Right after Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, he turned left and walked into the desert. Forty days and forty nights, he pressed in...
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Kristan Dooley
Jun 4, 20204 min read
God's not in a hurry
Jesus’s disciples felt the tension of wanting to get where they were going more quickly. In fact, in their struggle, they often tried to...
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Kristan Dooley
May 8, 20206 min read
Movement and Momentum
As pastors and churches, we didn't start off 2020 planning and preparing for the decentralization of the American church, but here we...
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Kristan Dooley
Apr 1, 20207 min read
The Way Through the Wilderness
None of us would have guessed 2020 would take such a dramatic left turn. And yet, here we are, in the middle of a pandemic, being advised...
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Kristan Dooley
Mar 4, 20205 min read
Embracing the Gift of Limits
God's plan for you is maturity. For you to not only do the things Jesus did and know the words of Jesus, but also feel the way of Jesus....
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Kristan Dooley
Jan 2, 20206 min read
Positioning yourself for breakthrough
When we misplace responsibility for our spiritual breakthrough we find ourselves by the pool waiting for what we need rather than standing
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Kristan Dooley
Sep 18, 20194 min read
Tips for staying out of the waters of drama
Drama is not just for middle school girls. It's not only something mean girls create to pass the time. Drama is everywhere, all the time....
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Kristan Dooley
Sep 9, 20197 min read
Drama do, drama don't...
We just started a new series at Anthem House called, Fish out of Water. The heart behind the series is to equip and empower our community...
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Kristan Dooley
Aug 22, 20196 min read
The Secret is Attachment
Jesus and his crew had just finished the last supper and were on their way to the garden where Jesus would soon be arrested. As they...
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Kristan Dooley
Jun 25, 20194 min read
Left Turns and Posture Repositions
It was early and cold for a fall morning, but the road called. I was training for a half marathon and had a five-mile run on my checklist...
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Kristan Dooley
Apr 24, 20196 min read
Right Thing, Wrong Place....
It's not always easy to do the right thing. Especially when you are in the wrong place. When your circumstances aren't what you had in...
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Kristan Dooley
Feb 13, 20198 min read
That's actually not just the way you 3
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to...
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Kristan Dooley
Feb 11, 20197 min read
That's actually not just the way you are pt 2...
We are working our way through some of what I've learned over years of studying transformation. When the paradigm (the truth we believe)...
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Kristan Dooley
Feb 6, 20198 min read
That's actually not just the way you are...
There is no shame in admitting if there were an easier way for transformation we would take it. I actually wouldn't just take it, I would...
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Kristan Dooley
Jan 15, 20196 min read
The Tension of the Turn
It was mid December and I had just resigned from my job as one of the High School Pastors at a large church in Cincinnati. Finally,...
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Kristan Dooley
Dec 19, 20186 min read
"Advent-ually" Planting in Hope
Hey guys! We are starting a 3 post Christmas series over at Renewal women tomorrow morning. I would love for you to following along. If...
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Kristan Dooley
Nov 19, 20185 min read
The Habit of Gratitude
Gratitude is not hard but it is a habit. If gratitude is a habit it's also safe to say ingratitude is also a habit. You will bend toward...
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Kristan Dooley
Sep 29, 20188 min read
Off the Beaten Path
Hungry for something Jesus hadn’t eaten for forty days when Satan first approached Him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to...
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